Overview and Specifications

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SPEP Panel Lining

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Overview and Specifications


  • The SPEP Panel is an STS+PE composite panel made by melting and compressing LDPE onto STS304.

  • The PE side is put in contact with the water. For construction, it is attached to the concrete wall and additionally fixed with a chemical anchor of STS material at intervals of 50-70 cm along with the edge of the panel. Then, the 70-mm-wide PE welding band is welded onto each panel and the joining area, the 12 mm welding band is welded onto both sides of the 70 mm welding band, and it is finished by welding to cover the anchor built above.

  • After welding is complete, any defects are detected by a spark tester to be corrected, then immersed in the water. Accordingly, the SPEP Panel lining is the only product in Korea and overseas that has the double waterproofing effects of STS+PE and the ability to detect any defects on waterproof construction before being immersed in the water.

  • In addition, it features semi-permanent durability and hygiene, and requires almost no maintenance expenses due to easy maintenance, and it can be referred as the most inexpensive waterproof material in terms of Life Cycle Cost (LLC) expenses.

Image of SPEP Panel

Advantages of the SPEP Panel Lining Product

  • Maintains secondary waterproofing using STS when the primary surface PE is damaged, and structure protection remains even when the secondary STS is damaged.

  • Executes 100% perfect waterproof work.

  • Detects any defects using a spark tester before being immersed in the water.

  • Semi-permanent service life (50 years) with excellent wear resistance and strong double compression strength as well as impact strength.

  • Easy and inexpensive maintenance (PE can be welded on damaged area).

  • Excellent hygiene, with no harmful substances due to no rust generated.

  • Ensures internal quality even with the inflow of foreign substances from pipe damage.

  • Can be constructed on stairs or any other complex areas, as it is LDPE (Low-density Polyethylene).

  • Can be selected from 2 products of attachment type.

  • Outstanding Procurement product.

Product Specifications of SPEP Panel Lining

  • SPEP Panels can be produced and installed in various sizes to meet on-site requirements, up to 1,219 mm in width and no limit in height.

Outstanding Procurement Product
Product Name Specifications Price Identification Number
SPEP-L30 [Lining Panel, STS+LDPE] 1000*1000*3.0mm 220,000 23221995


Bokju Co.,Ltd.